”Enhancing tourism in Banat crossborder area by capitalizing of the potential of Parta and Majdan archeological sites” - RORS 463 ”Valorificarea potențialului siturilor arheologice Parța și Majdan pentru stimularea turismului în zona transfrontalieră Banat” - RORS 463
Timiș County Council, as a leading partner of the project "Enhancing Tourism in Banat Crossborder Area by Capitalizing of the Potential of Parta and Majdan Archeological Sites” will set a new important destination on the tourist map of Timiș. It is meant to capitalize on the Neolithic sanctuary discovered at Parța, Foeni, Timiș County, and Majdan, Serbia. Funding is provided through the Romania-Republic of Serbia Interreg Program.
The project, eMS code RORS 463, is being developed in partnership with the Banat National Museum and the Municipality of Novi Knezevac, Serbia. The County Council, as a leader, will create a web page regarding the project, as well as informative and promotional materials. The institution will also hold thematic conferences for the local community and tour operators. The National Museum of Banat, managed by the Timiș County Council, will contract the design, execution and endowment with specific equipment of the museum in Parța.
The municipality of Novi Knezevac will produce promotional materials for the Serbian side, a monography on cross-border archeological sites, and a series of conferences in Serbia. In addition, they will contract the preparation of technical documentation for the rehabilitation of the archeological site in Majdan, as well as the reconstruction of the 13th century church foundation.
The new archeological destinations will be included in a cross-border tourist product that will also include a map with cycling routes, a product that will be promoted by both sides of the border at fairs and travel agencies.
Timiș River flows through an area with significant archaeological potential around Parța village in Timiș County The archaeological site “Parța tell 1” is renowned for the discovery of archaeological materials, which started in the second half of the 19th century.
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